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  • Writer's pictureBeckside Machinery

Kioti Tractor & Branson Tractors Rotavator

Updated: Dec 23, 2020

Behind the agricultural compact tractor, it's a general-purpose working machine equipped with various work tools like rotor work, manure spreading work, plow for plowing, plowing, seeding and binding machine.

With the recent decline and solidification of the agricultural population, the share of labor costs in production is an absolute trend.

In consideration of such circumstances, the multing cultivation coating work of the many tractor farming Branson tractors is provided with a rotor rotor and a plow for plowing, and a piece machine like fertilizer, manure spreader and vinyl coating machine is installed at the rear of the tractor. I'm doing it.

By the way, multi-cultivation vinyl uses black and transparent, black doesn't got to use herbicide because the weeds don't grow under the vinyl, but within the case of bulb crops it's necessary to extend the quantity of sunshine using transparent vinyl It helps to enhance yield.

In the past, within the case of multing cultivation by transparent vinyl, , the vinyl coating compact tractor attachments are mounted on the rotor tractor of the agricultural tractor to perform the stopping operation and finish the vinyl coating work then spray the herbicide after lifting the vinyl again. it's been operated as a farming method that adds to the labor cost in an inefficient thanks to stop the grinding and vinyl coating after finishing the herbicide control before the plowing.

In the present invention, in consideration of the above points, while performing the grounding work to prevent the soil within the compact tractor rotavator, the pesticide spraying, vinyl coating or seed sowing are often administered at an equivalent time to scale back labor costs production costs of crops To lower.

Such a composite control device for a Kioti tractor rotavator bait should be easy to be detached and maintained by the user arbitrarily, and to be easily compatible with various control workers.

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