Quad biking is great fun. Fast-paced, ready to take on any terrain, and fuelling the adrenaline rush you crave.
Trust us; the right ATV quad bike can offer it all.
However, before setting off on your off-road adventure, it’s important to be aware of safety instructions, wear the appropriate safety gear, and take part in any pre-training offered by experienced instructors.
Safety is of the utmost importance and knowing your quad can be essential when off-roading over uneven terrain and muddy ground.
This makes wearing the right safety gear essential, and we can’t stress this enough. At Beckside Machinery we will always recommend comfortable clothes for off-roading (long sleeves and long trousers), as well as helmets and safety gloves, helping to protect your head, face, and hands at all times.
Tips to ensure your quad doesn’t get stuck in the mud
Get Comfortable!
You need to feel comfortable when sitting on your quad. Sitting as upfront as possible will help you to be in control of the quad much better, allowing you a better grip of the machine between your legs. Ideally, when sitting on the quad, you should be looking at balancing out your centre of gravity.
Know your Gears!
Quads don’t have a manual clutch like a car, making gears simple to operate and manoeuvre, all from slight movements on the handlebars.
If you do get yourself into a bit of a jam, the reverse can be found by using a combination of the brake levers and the reverse buttons.
Most quads and first-time riders prefer to stay in second gear – offering the most amount of power and control.
Speed it Up!
The accelerator for a quad can also be found on the handlebar. To achieve the smoothest motion, we'd advise that you increase the power gently and slowly.
Know how to Stop!
To stop the quad pull, both brake levers towards you. The brakes found on quads are similar to those found on a pushbike or motorbike.
Handy Hints to help if your quad gets stuck
Unfortunately, deep holes in the ground, steep inclines, and an overly muddy course can all cause quads to get stuck.
The best advice? Stay on dry ground and follow an instructor on all routes you’re unsure of.
But where’s the fun in that?!
In muddier situations, for us, the reverse can be your best friend if you ever find yourself stuck. Putting the quad into reverse and applying a little throttle can often help quads get out of most jams.
However, if there’s still no movement, then you might need a little push and extra support.
The vital point to remember is not to panic. Powering your way through can often help you and your quad to get out of the majority of tricky situations.
Top 10 Tips
Sit properly. We’ve mentioned about getting comfortable with your quad, and it’s an important point to note. Sitting forward, keeping your weight over the front of the wheels is the best and safest way to ride.
Use a winch or tow straps (or have them handy). Hooked to the front or rear of the quad, a winch can pull you out of any sticky situation in no time.
Use an anchor. If there's nothing to hook your winch to, to help pull you out, look to use the next best thing…an anchor. Driving the anchor into the ground (on an angle), you can then attach your straps or winch, and pull yourself out of trouble.
Dig, dig, dig. A folding shovel can soon become your best friend, helping to dig yourself out of overly muddy and even snowy situations, you can use your shovel to help the tyres of the quad find a more solid surface getting a stronger grip and getting back on track.
Keep the momentum going. Rocking your quad back and forth rather than spinning the wheels around wildly can help to thrust the quad out of trouble.
Don’t slow down. Once you’re committed to something, you shouldn’t back down – it’s all about momentum.
If you smell burning, stop! Burning rubber due to excessive tyre spinning is something no one wants.
Keep the engine running. If the mud has built up in the engine and throttle, it can stop the engine from working, especially if you shut it down and attempt to start it up again later.
Clean it up. After your ride, you must clean your quad thoroughly. Spraying and cleaning the underside to remove all dirt and mud. (This is also the perfect opportunity to check oil and brake fluids too).
Assess your situation. If you do find yourself stuck, take a second to breathe and assess your situation. Assessing if there is a feasible path to set you free.
Quad biking off-road can be an exhilarating experience. Offering you nothing but fast, safe fun.
At Beckside Machinery, we have a range of quad bikes for sale, both new and used, with options available for kids too.
Call our team on 0167 382 8965 to check out our available quads now online.